Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Hair Down There

So today I had an interesting talk with my friend who for the sake of this post we will call Ernie.

Ernie thinks my personal choice of not shaving or waxing any part of my body everyday deals with age. He thinks that a real bad ass woman is always ready for any scenario, and things such as upkeep of the hair down there, are a priority. Now I'm not saying that there aren't woman out there who never miss a wax appointment, but the reality of it is that IT DOESN'T MATTER! Men can't and won't say no because of some hair and if they do than you are with the WRONG GUY!

I don't know any guy who sits there and shaves his balls every time he goes out? I personally think if you meet a girl and after a few shots of patron you persuade her into your bed and then you discover a perfectly kept Va-jay-jay then, you may want to rethink that situation and definitely wear some protection. Any girl who is single, truly single, is either really lucky to be picked up the exact night she decided her bush needed a makeover or she knew she was going to show that bad girl off to some Guido Hipster from the bar. I personally have no reason to shave every day but, that's not to say I never shave for a man, it just has to be a very special man.

Smooth legs and a smooth Va-jay-jay should be a treat not an expectation. Its hard work keeping up with all that. Sometimes we get off track and it takes time to get back on. Sometimes we're lazy or tired. And the most shocking reason of them all... Some woman LIKE IT THAT WAY!

My friend recently introduced to me this pubic hair dye product called Betty Beauty! AAAAA-MAZING! They have all the colors of the rainbow and natural colors as well the product could be bought at Sally's Beauty Supply or online at their website, and from what she said works wonders on the hair down under. http://www.bettybeauty.com/

So before you say to your significant other... "Hey can you do something about the jungle down there!" take a moment to appreciate it and maybe even have some fun and dye it different colors. After its dyed take a razor and carve your initials on it and call it your very own piece of art.

That's all till next time ... Lights Out!

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