Friday, July 9, 2010

The Double Standard Standard

Alright so I may upset some of my girls with this one but, the truth is to every double standard there is a double standard!

What do I mean?

Example: The double standard that men can cheat and women can't is equally matched with the double standard that women always get off on tickets.

Along with many other double standards us women are just as sneaky and evil as men.
We act innocent and naive, but the truth is we are doing exactly what they are. Its not intuition its guilt! I know in some cases its not true but in most, it is.

The other day I was speaking to a friend and her Fiance, and he told me that no single women should ever pay for dinner. He said that every night single women should be on a date getting her free meal for the night even if she had no interest in going any further than that date.

I thought about this and it made perfect sense. He was right.

Along with free meals, women never have to pay for drinks and sometimes vacation.

We get off of speeding tickets, we don't have to wait in lines at the clubs, we don't have to pay to get into the clubs, we are almost always welcomed wherever we go, we get to kiss the same sex and its considered hot not "gay", we can get our eyebrows waxed, manicures and more with out being labeled and last but not least the bend and snap. When worst comes to worst, women have the ability to bend and snap catching the eye of any horny creature around! Although I am not proud to say these things, I am definitely lucky to have all that power at the tip of my hands.

So ladies when you sit and think about it we are way better off than men. Let them have their minute double standards in life, they can never catch up to us.

We are the forbidden fruit.
We are the producers of life.
We hold the key and the power to everything.

And ladies that is the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me BOB.

That's all for tonight.

Till next time ...

Lights OUT!

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