Saturday, September 11, 2010

"The Jersey Springer Show"

I would just like to say, thank you New Jersey for the hours of entertainment you provide me and billions of people across the world with.

Who needs Jerry Springer when you have The Jersey Shore and The Housewives of New Jersey. I mean talk about about "Situations" and cat fights. Although, I am a huge fan of Snooki, I think she even knows that Jersey does have a certain appeal to it and it definitely involves GTL (gym, tanning, laundry).

What the Jersey Shore Taught Me:

1.GTL: Gym, Tanning, Laundry - So many may think this is crazy but I seriously did none of these things till I was introduced to the Jersey Shore. I now do my laundry more than once a month (when I'm not traveling), I sit outside in my bikini without sunblock and I bake away my skin cells, and well, the gym thing I'm still working on but, I'm three quarters of the way there!

2.No Panties Allowed

3.When it comes to drinking, NO WATER or other nonalcoholic beverages allowed unless it is mixed with an alcoholic beverage.


5.Shades a must everywhere even to bed.

6.Being arrested is cool... Thank god I got that night we don't speak of under my belt, now all I need is a bitch fight on the boardwalk and I'm set!

7.Fist Pump!!! The world of my fellow party monsters will have forever changed due to the introduction of the FIST PUMP!

8.Last but not least Beat the Beat! First you start real low than you beat the beat!!

stay tuned for what the Housewives of New Jersey have taught me...

Till than, Lights out!

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